Decoys & Accessories - GritrOutdoors


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The majority of people think that the success of waterfowl hunting depends on the ability to apply virtuoso hunting skills in action. However, in reality, the quality and quantity of your hunting trophies lie in the hunting equipment that you use. The art of catching ducks can be improved by spending more time observing and hunting waterfowl such as teals, ridges, gullies, pintails, and mallards. 

Which Decoy to Choose?

The main purpose of all waterfowl decoys is to create a sense of reality that gives ducks the confidence to land in that exact place. Decoys help convey the message: “It's safe here”. If you want to choose decoys for duck hunting, you will take into account such factors as size, materials, quantity, and types.

Moreover, you should pay attention to the surroundings in your area. White spots on pint-tailed drakes or red spots on the redhead drakes will make the spread more visible and help to catch the duck's attention. Bright colors provide good contrast in the fields, while dark colors on black ducks can provide better visibility in the water and under lighting conditions.

What Size to Select?

We provide decoys in different sizes, you can find standard, magnum, and super magnum. If you want your decoy to be visible, you should choose larger images because they are more visible at long distances. But if you hunt on foot, it will not be very convenient to carry heavy equipment. If you hunt ducks from a boat, then super magnum decoys will not be a problem. It’s up to the type of hunting what size of waterfowl decoy to choose.

Decoy Materials

Manufacturers use different materials to make decoys, it can be wood, resin, cork, and foam rubber. Wood and cork decoys were the first to help on hunting adventures. However, they are not as good in performance as plastic and solid foam lures. They can be expensive and heavy. 

Nowadays most hunters prefer plastic or hard foam decoy. Plastic decoys are lightweight and comfortable to use, but vulnerable to an accidental shooting. Which option to choose is up to you. You can receive free shipping on all eligible items.