Optic Accessories - GritrOutdoors.com

Optic Accessories

Treat your things well, and they will do the same in return. Good care will result in longer and more satisfying service, that’s why getting accessories for your optics is by no means a waste of money. They are designed specifically to improve your user experience, be it means to protect your device from external impact or alleviate the process of exploitation. Take a look at the selection of best optics accessories on Gritr Outdoors. 

Binocular Accessories

As with every other optical device, binoculars are pretty fragile when it comes to enduring fall damage. Putting them in a backpack together with the rest of the things is hardly a good idea either, since lenses can be easily scratched while carrying. Finally, reaching in for your bag every time you want to take a closer look at something might be pretty tiresome. Luckily, there is an item that can solve all of those problems at once. Attach your binoculars to a harness and forget about the constant worries of dropping them and the troubles of finding them in your backpack.


Tripods stand confidently at their own feet, which is definitely something to aspire to. Unlike us, though, they have one extra leg, which might explain the stability that tripods boast. Should you need a spot to place your monocular, a hunting tripod is your loyal associate. Should you need a role model to look up to, well, they can teach us a thing or two about keeping both feet on the ground.

Flip Up Scope Caps

The lens is the most precious part of every scope, and heaven forbid something might happen to it. Doing is better than hoping, that’s why taking initiative is your best way to preserve scope in a good condition for as long as possible. Flip up scope caps keep any harm, threatening your scope’s lens, at bay. 

Optic Cleaning

There isn’t much to see through a dirty window, and the same goes for our sharp-eyed friends. Spitting and wiping is a treatment that no optical tool deserves. Instead, we offer you to look through our collection of cleaning supplies, that will spare your optics of any kind of impurity. 


Even though looking at the sun is a dubious endeavor, humanity came up with sunglasses to mitigate the inconveniences this process brings. It’s hardly comfortable to aim with sunglasses on, though, and not wearing those can be a poor choice for extremely bright days. Sunshade won’t let any unnecessary light in while you’re taking aim, making hunting during sunny days a more convenient occupation.

Gritr Outdoors offers you a wide choice of accessories, fit for all types of optics. Be it thermal optic accessories, scope covers, or killflashes, we have it all.