The story of Yukon Outfitters began in 2009 when two friends, Preston Powell and Adam Scherer, got off for their fly fishing trip to Canada. At that time, they both worked for a Hong Kong company specializing in outdoor equipment and had a vacation. When Powell and Scherer got to Canada, one of them realized that he had forgotten his raincoat at the airport. He had to buy one from a field guide in the Yukon area and quickly got disappointed with it. The heavy rain caught them on the Big Salmon River, and the new expensive raincoat leaked.
At the end of the day, they were sitting by the fire, cold and wet, discussing the idea of their own brand of outdoor equipment that would hold up and not break the bank. By the end of the week, they thought the concept through and decided to create Yukon Outfitters.
When they returned to China, they quit their jobs and focused on brand building. Powell and Scherer chose to start from Amazon and prepared a presentation that would convince them to support Yukon. The company managed to meet the platform requirements and sold 15,000 Yukon Outfitters hammocks in eight hours. In December 2014, Yukon launched a 58-piece survival kit and also succeeded.
The growth prompted the founders to think about moving manufacturing from China to the United States, thus, giving new jobs. Yukon Outfitters bought the manufacturing facilities of Little King Manufacturing in West Tennessee, a place with a strong cut and sew manufacturing history, and hired some employees working for this company. The new business created 22 new jobs and supported the local economy in Alamo.
Yukon Outfitters Outdoor Gear
The company manufactures high-quality, affordable outdoor, hunting, and camping gear. It’s best known for its hammocks, coolers, drinkware, and bags. All Yukon hammocks are lightweight and tested to hold eleven 80-pound bags of concrete. One of the best-selling products is the Yukon Outfitters mosquito hammock net with a spacious interior, durable materials, and easy dual-zippered access. Yukon Outfitters coolers can keep ice for days thanks to the industrial-grade insulation.
At Gritr Outdoors, you’ll also find Yukon backpacks, dry bags, blankets, shotgun and rifle cases, mugs, flasks, tumblers, suspension straps, and other affordable, high-quality survival gear.