Fishing Reels -


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  • $20$245$470$695$920

Fishing reels serve as the pivotal components of a fishing rod assembly that often determine the success of a fishing expedition. Not only do these devices safeguard your fishing line but also facilitate casting and retrieval, making them crucial to any angler. However, not all fishing reels are the same. The type of fishing you intend to do largely determines the kind of reel you'll need.

Spinning Reels

Renowned for their ease of use, spinning reels are often the go-to choice for novice anglers. They feature an open-faced design, where the spool is oriented parallel to the rod, and visible to the angler. Such a design reduces the likelihood of line tangles and snags. Spinning reels are ideal for lightweight lures and baits, and are perfect for freshwater fishing.

Baitcasting Reels

Baitcasting reels are the usual choice of seasoned anglers who are after large fish species. Unlike spinning reels, they are mounted atop the rod, allowing for increased control during casting and retrieval. Their high gear ratio and line capacity make them suitable for heavy lures and lines. However, baitcasting reels require more skill to operate, as they are prone to backlash if mishandled.

Spincast Reels

If you're seeking simplicity and affordability, spincast reels might be your best bet. Featuring a closed-face design, these reels have the line wound around a fixed spool, which eliminates many line management issues. While they lack the distance and accuracy of other reel types, spincast reels are perfect for beginners and children thanks to their easy operation.

Fly Reels

Fly reels stand apart from the rest, as they are specifically designed for fly fishing. They hold a special type of line that is heavier than traditional monofilament or braided lines. The unique design allows for precise casts and quick retrievals, crucial for mimicking the movement of insects on water surfaces. Fly reels might seem intimidating at first, but mastering them can lead to a truly rewarding fishing experience.

Gritr Outdoors presents to you our extensive collection of fishing reels. Whatever type you are looking for, we are more than likely to have it. Our partners include the industry’s biggest experts with many years of experience behind their back: Shimano, 13 Fishing, Hardy and many others. 


How to put a fishing line on a reel?

Putting a fishing line on a reel, also known as spooling, is a straightforward process if you follow these steps:

  • Begin by threading the end of the line through the rod guides, starting from the tip. Make sure it goes all the way down to the reel.
  • Open the bail (the small arm on the reel), then tie the line onto the reel spool using an arbor knot or any other secure knot. Close the bail once done.
  • Hold the line taut a few inches above the reel, and then start winding the reel handle. This should start wrapping the line onto the spool. Ensure the line goes on evenly and tightly.
  • Continue winding until the reel spool is filled up to approximately 1/8 inch from the rim. Overfilling could lead to line tangling during casting.
  • Once you've filled the spool sufficiently, cut the line, leaving enough length for attaching your bait or lure.

What is the difference between spinning reels and baitcasting reels?

Spinning Reels are user-friendly, ideal for beginners, and work well with light lures and baits. They hang beneath the rod, reducing wrist fatigue, but can create more line twists. Baitcasting Reels, on the other hand, offer more control and power, which makes them suitable for big fish and heavy lines. They sit on top of the rod and have a larger line capacity.

For how long can a fishing reel serve?

As a rule, a reel can serve for many years, if no accidents bring it closer to its expiry date. Regular cleaning, proper storage, and routine maintenance such as lubricating the moving parts can significantly extend the life of a fishing reel up to a decade. It's also important to use the reel as intended; for example, using a light-duty reel for heavy fish can cause it to wear out faster.