How to Choose the Right Rifle Scope for Your Gun -

How to Choose the Right Rifle Scope for Your Gun

Like many other inventions,  rifle scopes deserve the title of magical artifacts. To have a tool that allows you to surpass the limitations of your body and see further than you could hope is quite a gift. Though we might not treat it as a wondrous invention anymore, the help it provides by no means lost its value. Everyone involved in long-range shooting, be it hunters or target shooters, cherish rifle scopes for their magnification capabilities. The market for rifle scopes is anything but scarce, and it might be difficult to navigate that sea at times. In this guide, we'll provide some helpful tips for choosing a rifle scope that meets your personal needs.

Introduction: What is a Rifle Scope and How Does it Work?

A rifle scope is an optical device that attaches to a firearm and provides a shooter with an enhanced image of what's in front of them.  Scope designs vary from simplistic to more complicated, but working principles are more or less the same.

The most important components of a riflescope are its lenses - the objective, erector, magnifying and ocular lenses. The objective lens is positioned at the front of the scope and is responsible for receiving light and transmitting the image to the erector lens. The erector lens is responsible for bending and redirecting light that passes through the scope to create a properly-oriented image. That image is then passed on to the magnifying lens that, as you can guess, magnifies the picture. Finally, the ocular lens, which is closest to your eye, focuses the light transmitting the image onto your reticle.

Understanding the Different Types of Rifle Scopes & Their Features

Rifle scopes come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each designed for different purposes. You can find rifle scopes with adjustable power, target turrets, and even night vision capabilities. Here are some of the most popular types of rifle scopes:

- Fixed Power Scopes: As the name suggests, these scopes have a fixed magnification setting that cannot be changed. They are best suited for short to medium-range distance shooting.

- Variable Power Scope: The more versatile type of scope, variable power scopes offer users a range of magnification levels - usually expressed as two numbers separated by an "x" (e.g., 3-9x40, the number being the objective lens diameter).

- Night Vision Scopes: Used for shooting in low-lit and dark environments, these scopes use infrared light to create an enhanced image in low-light environments.

- Thermal Imaging Scopes: These devices are also used for shooting in poor light, but work on a different principle. Thermal imaging scopes are designed to detect heat signatures of living beings and other heat emitters. Unlike night vision scopes that need at least a tiny amount of light to function, these scopes can function in complete darkness.

How to Choose the Most Suitable Type of Rifle Scope?

The first thing you need to decide on is the type of scope. As we mentioned, many factors can be used as a classification basis. We suggest you begin with determining whether you need a scope with fixed or variable power.

Variable Power

A variable power scope allows you to adjust the level of zoom. This means you are not stuck with one magnification configuration and can easily adjust the zoom depending on what range or target you are trying to shoot. The downside of this type of scope is that it is generally more expensive than a fixed power scope and features a more complex build. However, variable power scopes have long ceased being a thing a few people can afford and nowadays there are scopes with adjustable zoom in all price categories.

A fixed power scope, on the other hand, has no adjustable zoom feature but offers higher clarity since its optics are specifically designed for one level of magnification without any compromise in image quality. The benefit of this type of scope is that it is usually cheaper than a variable power model, making it ideal for those who don’t need or want the flexibility provided by adjustable zoom capabilities. There are also high-end options that boast image quality no other type has.

Magnification Range

Magnification range determines the zooming capabilities of your scope. That might be counterintuitive, but more is not always better in this case. There are three types of scopes when it comes to magnification range, and each of them is better suited for certain tasks.

The first type is a Low-Power scope which typically has a magnification range between 3X and 9X. This type of scope is best for shooting at closer ranges as it provides good clarity without sacrificing the field of view.

Mid-Power scopes generally have a power range from 10X to 17X and are great for mid-range shooting. This type of scope offers greater magnification than low-power scopes while still allowing the shooter to maintain a wide field of view and providing satisfactory image quality.

High-power scopes are ideal for long-distance shooting as they can get you further than any other type. These scopes usually have magnification ranges from 18X to 30X or more, making them ideal for shooting targets from very far away. However, with this much magnification comes less clarity and a very limited field of view.

Adjustment Turrets

Rifle scopes with windage and elevation turrets are ideal for shooters who need ultimate precision and know how to make use of those features. Windage turrets allow the shooter to adjust the horizontal angle of the reticle while elevation turrets allow them to adjust the vertical angle of the reticle. These adjustments help ensure that shots are consistently accurate, allowing the user to account for every factor possible. The only downside of those scopes is, once again, their price. Superior accuracy comes at a price, so if you are new to shooting, it might be more reasonable to train with simpler rifle scopes. With practice and knowledge acquired, you'll be able to truly appreciate everything adjustment turrets have to offer.

Finally, if you fancy the idea of hunting nocturnal animals, night vision or thermal scope might be of great use. In all other cases, however, we suggest sticking to regular scopes, as night vision scopes are hardly usable when there is much light.


Choosing the right scope depends entirely on what you are going to be using it for. If you plan on doing some long-range shooting, a high-power scope with adjustable turrets might be ideal; if you need a scope that can handle both short and medium distances, then a mid-power one could fit the bill just fine.

Ultimately, when choosing a rifle scope there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. By understanding how each feature works, as well as being aware of your own needs and preferences, you are sure to find the scope that will meet your needs.


What are the different types of rifle scopes?

There are many factors that could serve as a basis for rifle scope classifications. The ones mentioned in this article are: Variable Power Scopes, Fixed Power Scopes, Night Vision Scopes and Thermal Imaging Scopes.

Is it important to have variable power in my rifle scope?

Variable power allows the shooter to adjust the magnification of the scope depending on the range of their target. This helps to ensure that the shooter can get a clear view of their target regardless of the distance. Additionally, having variable power allows the shooter to quickly adjust their scope to different ranges, making it easier and faster to acquire targets. While it’s not deal-breaking, it is certainly way more convenient.

How do night vision scopes work?

Night vision scopes use a combination of optics and a special electronic device called an image intensifier to amplify light and produce a visible image in low-light or even completely dark conditions. The scope's optics collect existing light, such as moonlight and starlight, and focus it onto an image intensifier. The intensifier uses a photocathode that converts the photons of light into electrons. The electrons are then multiplied thousands of times in an electron amplifier, producing a visible image. The image is then projected onto a phosphor display at the rear of the scope.

How much does a quality rifle scope cost?

The cost of a quality rifle scope can vary greatly, depending on the type and features of the scope. Generally, quality rifle scopes range in price from around $300 to more than $2,000.

Feb 17th 2023 Gritr Outdoors

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