In case you don’t enjoy aiming through red dots or reflex sights but still want something that can improve target acquisition, laser sights might be the answer. And you don’t even need to be a first-class sniper from a movie to utilize one. Laser sights can be mounted on any firearm, but they truly shine when combined with handguns. LaserMax is one of the leading manufacturers of laser sighting systems that have earned recognition all around the world. With unmatched expertise in the sphere of hardened and miniaturized laser systems, this brand is at the forefront of innovative solutions for laser sights.
The expertise is not just a fancy word, for LaserMax introduced several state-of-the-art features that set their lasers apart from other brand’s products. LaserMax rigorously tests all devices against exposure to harsh conditions, so that you could rely on your sight wherever you go. The sight can perform in intense electromagnetic fields and extreme temperatures, when exposed to high accelerations, salty water, and blowing sand, when immersed in water and even after heavy impacts and drops. The Lasermax Spartan sight lives up to its name, being able to withstand any of the mentioned challenges. If there are any other conditions humans can find themselves in, LaserMax definitely tests against those as well.
The variety of lasers ruggedized by LaserMax is a point of the brand’s pride. A few companies can boast the same selection of laser technologies, actively implemented in their products.
Lasermax guide rod laser is one of the most technologically-advanced sighting systems. This model has been used by professional shooters for over 30 years. The ability of Guide Rod Lasers to keep performing on top of their capabilities in extreme environments is unmatchable.
The active medium of a solid-state laser is activated by dielectric crystals and glasses. Ions of rare elements or ions of the iron group usually serve as activators of crystals and glasses. Intrinsic point defects in crystals arise under the influence of ionizing radiation or by additive coloring.
Two other innovative types are diode and capacitive touch activated lasers. Their principles of work are quite complex, so we won’t bother you with the details you might not want to know. If anything, you can always check out their website.
LaserMax Lasers are a top-notch acquisition for any handgun enthusiast, and Gritr Outdoors is happy to help you get one for yourself. We have LaserMax laser systems that integrate a laser in the recoil spring guide assembly, as well as their rail-mounted siblings.